Two features Wunderlist needs ASAP for better task management

Jiri Rybar
2 min readAug 27, 2015


1. Visible subtasks

People hate when something is hidden from them. That’s why the so-called hamburger menu is not a good UX and actually decreases user engagement. Currently, when I want to see certain task’s subtasks, I need to open that task’s panel.

With just a proper indentation, the subtasks could be shown right under the parent task.

Subtasks in Todoist

Todoist does it and it’s great to have all the pieces at glance. Maybe it would be just one level of subtasks for Wunderlist, no problem, but it would help so many people, including me.

2. List folder to show all tasks inside its lists

Someone has a folder in which there are four lists just like in this example by @saturngod:

Four lists

Why wouldn’t you let them see the tasks at glance when they click on the parent folder?

Having to use hashtags in order to get such view

I believe both of the listed features would be very helpful for Wunderlist users. From the technical perspective, the Wunderlist team wouldn’t really be bulding new features. It’s just an update of how the listing works but it would make users’ lifes so much easier.

Considering its web and mobile app UI, Wunderlist is the best to do list for most people. Let’s take it one step further.



Jiri Rybar
Jiri Rybar

Written by Jiri Rybar

Politics (Freedom, Conservatism, Libertarianism), Technology, Design

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